Monday, November 29, 2010


Yo! Yours truly just got his results for half of the first semester. I got a 95! Highest total average ever. I raised my mark up by 3 percent! How sick is that! I love myself so much right now. I'm going at it this year. McMaster here I come!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Got This.

I have so much to talk about, I don't know where to start. First off, I sprained my knee ligament so I can barely walk and I am gladly not going to school tomorrow. Well, today actually, since its almost 2 A.M. Lets start off with shows, Californication. Would any guy not love that show? Shit, I knew there were sexual scenes in the show, but I did not expect that many. Jeez. Contrary to what you probably think, no, that is not why I like the show. It is actually pretty well made, well acted out, and not a bad storyline to add to that. Also, I assume it'll get much less explicit because well no human in the right mind would make a show where the dude gets laid 5 times each twenty minute episode.
Hockey, hockey, hockey. If you deserve respect, I give it to you. Even though I hate the Tampa Bay Lightning(my boy's team), Steven Stamkos, you are absolutely sick. 20 games, 19 goals, 34 points to lead the NHL. When you were drafted #1 Overall a few years ago, I was skeptical if you would become the next Crosby. That was wrong of me because I should never have compared you to Crosby. You are Steven Stamkos, and right now you are the league leader in points and guess who is second? Crosby, and that is with 21 games played. Canada will win 2014's Gold Medal. When they do, you think of today, you think of me, you think of how I predicted it 4 years before. Stamkos, that's why. Oh, and Tavares, and Hall. Jeez. We just keep bringing gems into the league don't we? Now to the Leafs, finally snapped our losing streak, when it got to an 8 game one. Then we went on a 2 game winning streak, and then we lost to Montreal 2-0. What a game against Montreal. Jonas Gustavvsson played spectacularly I must say. He has beautiful leg speed and control over his positioning, but he just needs to come out a foot or two to face each shot. He sits a bit far back in his crease, other than that, I think he's our future number 1 goalie. KADRI'S here. I don't know why I like Kadri so much honestly, I think its my affinity to Arabs, seeing as I live in an Arab country now. Lets hope he does well.
El Clasico. One week from now, the game that every La Liga fan drools over. Not just La Liga fans, the media, football fans all over the world, it's time for FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid. Barca has won the last 4 Clascios. That is in the past, lets talk about the present. Why will Barcelona win this Clasico? Why else? Lionel Messi. I do not think Real Madrid's defense is strong enough to stop Messi and if they do, then Iniesta, Villa, Xavi, Pedro will all raid the net. I recently watched Argentina vs. Brazil live, like I was at the stadium, and just when you thought it was all over, guess who brought the crowd on their feet with a spectacular goal, with a finish that gave even Maradona goosebumps. That's right, you guessed it(well i guess you did), Lionel Messi. What a player. My El Clasico prediction: 2-1 Barcelona. Messi and Villa scoring for Barca, and Higuain for Real Madrid.
Now to Mr. Lupe Fiasco. I realized that i was completely mistaken about The Show Goes On. I'm sorry Lupe, for ever doubting you, but for real i thought you may have dumbed it down but then as I listened to it more closely, I realized even though it may have been an Atlantic Records track, you told em' to shove it! I respect you for that. On another note, Super Lupe Rap(known as SLR) is absolutely sick and I still don't get every line. Lupe fiasco, You are a genius. As I've been saying lately alot, I got this, but in Lupe's case, and the game, he got this. He really does, and Lasers is going to be insane. Want to get some attention, I dare you to say something to Lu. He will wreck you.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


You building so much hype for me now dog!! Lets break it down, Lupe says Lasers will be his best work ever, a lot of feelings are going to get hurt and he doesn't give a shit about em, albeit he said respectfully to his competition. Lupe! You are building so much hype man, it's so sick. I cannot wait for March 8th, 2011. Best day of next year, oh and the last day of high school should be pretty good too. For real, number one, Lasers will be his best work ever, ever? If you have heard Food and Liquor, The Cool, and every single one of his songs, then that means a lot. I think that basically means he will never dumb it down, I am sorry for doubting you Lu. Number two, a lot of feelings are going to get hurt, oh shit. He gonna go in!!!!! HE IS GOING TO GO IN ON THIS SHIT! RAP WILL BE BORN AGAIN BABY! All due respect. HA! There are days in every person's calendar that they can't wait to get to, i.e., your birthday, last day of school, but for me, Lasers coming out will be better than all of this. Lasers, Love Always Shines Everytime Remember to Smile.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Return of the King

I know, I know, you missed me. I've been busy yo. You know with all the schoolwork and what not. Alright, not really, just never had the energy to type shit up. It's been a while. As you know the highly anticipated date of October 26th has passed, for those who don't know, it is because the new single off Mr. Lupe Fiasco's album dropped. The Show Goes On. Go to and buy that shit, show your support for lupee! I did. I've been thinking a lot about the song, did Lu dumb it down to get more fans? He went more radio with the beat, I think that was an Atlantic Records' beat that they wanted Lu to go in on and it wasn't bad, but it wasn't classic Lu... I don't really know honestly. I always believed if Lupe doesn't make you take out a dictionary or google shit up then he dumbed it down, but did he really or did he talk about the same shit and use simpler words, not for more fans, but that's just what he came up with. Don't get me wrong, I love Lupe till the end and I really did love the song but I don't want Lupe to turn mainstream, like I want him to get what he deserves and that is everybody loving him but I want him to do it the right way. I love him cause he's different, cause while these other fools are talking about pussy, money, and weed, Lupe's talking bout skateboarding, and how kids follow these rappers and wanna be "hard." FNF up son. Now, to hockey. Toronto, Toronto, Toronto. The season began and we exploded. 4 wins, no losses. 6 games later. 5 win, 5 losses basically, although one of them was an overtime loss. What happened? We stopped scoring. The good news is Luke Schenn is frikin' beast! Looking like he is going to be a solid defenceman for us for years to come. Giggy and Gustavvsson are both playing well between the pipes so goaltending looks solid although Giggy looks more capable. Kessel, my man, scoring machine. That's it though, at first we were winning so it wasn't really affecting us but for real, we need people to score. Kessel and Mcarthur are our top two scorers. I think they are tied at 7 or 8 goals apiece. Other than that our main threats are not producing. Bozak, you are playing with one of the most lethal snipers in this world in Kessel, if you can't pass to him like you are supposed to, shoot man, shoot! As it is 1 A.M now, I am done for the night, I'll blog soon, don't worry, blackberries make life so much easier. <3 Peace!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm Back

Flip yo, I haven't done this in a while. This week has been hectic. Tests every day, I joined a basketball team so that makes it even worse. I just haven't found the time for it all, except now, done studying, and practice ended long time ago so yeah I'm here. I got my Lupe going, let us type! Alright first and foremost, biggest news, hands down, the release date of Lasers was finally announced. March 8th, 2011 is going to be one of the sickest days of next year. After Lasers comes out, hip hop won't be the same baby! He's going to take it all, the game, the fans, everything, LUPE! Oh, and the first single off Lasers will drop on October 26th. Cop that quick! It'll be on here as fast as I get it, and if I have time. Ha ha. Now to my favorite topic and basically big news but not some I've been anticipating for two years like I have for Lasers. Kadri didn't make the team, one, the Leafs began their season, that's two. Against all odds, the Leafs won their first game of the season. It took us 9 games to win our first game last season, good omen? I tihnk so, since we also second as well. Oh did I mention the first we beat the Canadians and the second we beat the Senators. Yes, two of our rivals were beaten by none other than the reemerging Toronto Maple Leafs! We are 2-0 now, number 1 in the Eastern Conference, and we might suck now, and lose like 15 games in a row, but I haven't said or seen that we have been number one in the Eastern Conference for a long ass time. So let me bask in our glory. So yeah, I joined a basketball team, practice every day at four. It's tiring but worth it. Wow, my I tunes is on shuffle and it just played Kick, Push by Lupe Fiasco and then right after it played Kick Push II! Yes! Oh yes, and go listen to Mac Miller - La La La. Youtube. Go.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kid Did It!

Nazem's back! I know I'm a bit late but damn, he did it. Not only did the kid score 2 goals and have a crucial assist on the game winner, he did all that against the Ottawa Senators, and every Leaf fan hates the Sens. We just got wrecked by Detroit last night, but well, it's Detroit, and we are still a young team looking to gel together, so I'll let that one go. ! more preseason game left, and the real deal starts the coming Thursday. I don't know if Kadri will be on the team, I believe he will get sent down to the Marlies and hone his skills there, but you never know. Personally, I am just glad he answered back to all the criticism with a big performance against a rival. Oh and we should definitely switch him to be a winger until he gets control over his defensive responsibilities as a center. Show him some Datsyuk videos!! Also, our first line this year looks pretty good with the speed it has in Kessel(got mad faster this off season, and most likely will put up 40+ goals), Kris Versteeg(may be able to put up 30 or more), and Tyler Bozak(speedy center with great vision who has great chemistry with Kessel. A 60+ point season will be amazing for him). Also, if Versteeg doesn't live up to his expectations or Ron Wilson wants to juggle, Kulemin showed great chemistry near the end of last year with Kessel and Bozak. Plus, if Kadri is on the team, he had that big game against Ottawa as a winger on the top line. So, you never know, anything can happen, and Wilson is a pretty good coach so he could surprise us all. The Leafs don't look that bad, I know they don't have a realistic chance to win it all this year, but I tihnk they may surprise everyone and just sneak in to the playoffs. We haven't had playoff hockey in Toronto for a while, so you can't blame me for being hopeful. Everybody says that the Leafs will just end up like last year but what most of them don't realize is that half the year, until the trade deadline, there were veterans and people on this team who weren't performing to their levels or up to their expectations(i.e. Vesa Toskala). That is when good ol' Burkie decided to inject new blood into this team and brought in Dion Phaneuf, J.S. Giguere, and God knows how, and Keith Aulie(who if he lives up to his expectations, makes the deal with Calgary a total one-sider for the Leafs)! After that, we had solid goal tending, and I don't remember the record we had but we went at it. Now with Giggy mentoring Jonas Gustavvsson all season and both of them pushing each other for the starting job as goaltender, with new additions like Kris Versteeg, and Colby Armstrong, as well as Dion Phaneuf captaining this team all year and motivating them, I think this season should be different. Also, Schenn should no longer have the spotlight focused just on him, like last year. As soon as Phaneuf and Giggy came to town, Schenn was back to his good old self because he realized that he didn't have to carry all the pressure on his shoulders(he ain't no Superman). Now, he's calm, especially since he knows he's not going to be the future captain of the biggest hockey market in the world like he was projected to be, and well I think that eases his mind a lot. Now he can just focus on playing his own game. So, now we shall see what this season has in store for us. Until next time, peace!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back to Reality.

I don't know if tomorrow will be a good day or a bad one. I have a feeling it will be a bad one, at least while I'm in school. After school though, the weekend begins, and you know what that means. Chilling with me, is the place to be. Ha ha, well no, I'm just gonna chill like mad.  I have no idea what I'm going to do, I'm just going to go wherever the road takes me. The only thing that is going to get me through this year is the weekend, no doubt. It's like a snap back to reality. It's like a bright moon on the darkest of nights. Ah, I crack myself up. Actually, music will also help me through this year too. Currently, I am listening to Tupac's discography, and this morning I was listening to Pharell's mix tape, Out of This World, and the Paris Tokyo (remix) on that tape is ill. Lupe drops a sick verse. Oh and I think the first or second song, Common drops a hot verse too. Punch Drunk Love, yeah boy! Also, it has become my goal to have at least listened to every song on my I pod at least once, and I have about 34 gigs of music so that is no easy task. On another note, tonight is a Barcelona game, woo! Messi's back! He's on the bench though, but Pep Guardiola has said if it stays as a stalemate, he shall unleash The Atomic Flea to wreak havoc, and then Rubin Kazan is really screwed. Speaking of sports, in my opinion, tonight is Kadri's last chance to impress the Leafs' staff. I hope he has a big game against the shitty Ottawa Senators. Ottawa, how I despise you, the only city I do not consider a part of Canada, just because I hate the Senators, with a passion. I hate them so much that once my brother said that Ottawa was going to beat Toronto that night, and I jumped on him and just hit whatever I could, because well every player on the Senators are a bunch of ninnies. The only player I have a little respect for is Jason Spezza, just a little bit, but only cause he has skill. So yeah. I started watching White Collar a few days ago too, pretty good show. Now I shall go watch the new episode of Boardwalk Empire, peace!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Come on kid

Dear, Nazem Kadri
Nazem, Nazem, Nazem. You still have a chance, please don't make me eat my words, I praised you, I said you would be the Leafs. We all know you got the skill, I hope you make the team. I really do like you, but at least now you learning it ain't all unicorns and cotton candy clouds. Yes, you're only 19, but last year you were 18 and you showed the whole world that you had the skill, and you should have made the team then, but you didn't. Now you can't replicate that performance, what does that say? Shit man, come on. I believe in you and it may not mean much, but I am not the only one. Step up, show them the real Nazem Kadri. You dominated the OHL, you can dominate here. I'm fine with you not making the team and going to the Marlies to hone your skill, but I just hope you work your ass off. We need a player like you in the future. Even the coach is criticizing you now, and you say it lights a fire inside of you, lets see it lit son.
Yours Truly, Zuhair Mohammad

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Weekend, What a Beautiful Time of Week

I was counting down how many hours left at school, and I must say this weekend was highly anticipated, not because of how fun it would be, but because of it being the first weekend of senior year. So, I'm just gonna skip to the better part of the day. I get to my friend's place and we go to the ball court, start playing a little 2 on 2 and even though I'm nowhere near as good as 2 months ago, my boy and I still ran shit against a far better player on that day and another one of my boys. Then we took a little break and started playing again, full court and I got so sweaty that when I lay on the ground and got up, you could completely see the imprint of my body on the ground. After 30 or so minutes of ball we went inside to chill, played table tennis, and just chilled. Then, we went outside and played football. It took a while to get everybody on the field, but when we finally did, it was sick. I played QB and WR(Wide Receiver). I made a few sick plays, and this one play I was the KR(Kick Returner) and I literally faked 4 players with one spin and they were so lost it was unbelievable. We ended up winning by 2 touchdowns because yours truly made the most important tackle of the game. I took down their biggest dude, who basically is a bulldozer. I just went for his legs and he ended up fumbling it. A few plays after that, I was running the ball up the field and my friend sticks his leg up thinking about drop kicking me and then pulls out of it. So, he gets the idea in one of my teammates' heads. When the same bulldozer is running again, my friend just runs and drop kicks him in ribs and he runs a few more steps and falls. All of us didn't know whether to laugh or see if he was alright so we all put on concerned faces and check on him, and then we look the other way and my 2 friends are wrestling, oblivious to anything that happened. When we told them what happened, they just cracked up laughing. Eventually, I ended up at home and chilled on the comp for a while, got some new shows. Later on, the next day, I found out the Leafs went into 11 rounds of shootout and won 3-2. That makes our record for the preseason 2-1 and we are playing again against the Philadelphia Flyers. Also, Barcelona is playing tomorrow against Athletic Club de Bilbao, the second test without Messi, who was sorely missed the first game, I'm assuming, my brother kept annoying me for the T.V because Pakistan was playing cricket at the same time. Barcelona ended up winning 1-0, but from what I heard, there wasn't that same, what's the word, pizazz, as there is when Messi is playing. After reading articles on sports and what not, I went and played cricket, I barely batted today, not a good day for our whole team the first game and the second game the first two batters didn't even get out till we won. I got home, showered and what not, and now I'm here. Now I have to go do my homework so I can sleep as long as I want and whenever I want to tomorrow, peace!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Senior Life.

Being a senior is no good, no good at all, I mean, I am always so tired, I come home, eat, and then sleep right away for about 3 or 4 hours. I wake up, do my homework and assignments and then either watch a Barca game or cricket game until it's time to sleep again. Sleep is my main worry because I don't want to fall asleep in class, cause well, the teachers will rape me, but again, I am up at 4:30 am, God knows why, writing my blog. I'm sorry I've been away, I know you missed me. My English teacher told us to write a journal entry every day of the year, can I just blog and give him the link or is that cheating? Man I have been looking forward to the weekend for a long time, I feel like it's been ages since I've actually enjoyed myself. Oh but I shall this weekend, shows galore, I love September! Oh, to all you doubters, first game of preseason for the Leafs we lost 5-0 to the Sens, a day later we are currently winning 4-1, against the Sens. Personally, I believe preseason is just a way for the coach to choose the players he is going to use during the season. Last preseason the leafs won 9 of 12 games and when the season started we went 0-7-1, essentially, no games won, 8 losses. Preseason doesn't matter to me for jack shit other than the fact that hockey's back! Okay, back to shows, Chuck has returned, it was alright, not up to my expectations, but alright. How I met your Mother has returned, finally, after its' long awaited arrival by me. Sons of Anarchy, what a show, damn. Dexter's 5th season on September 26th, not a good date for me, due to the past, so let us hope it doesn't bomb, eh? I cannot wait till Football tomorrow, if you're from Asia, then I'm talking about American Football(Football is soccer here). I just love being a QB(Quarterback), even in basketball, I like running things, the ball must always be in my hands, and it is in basketball, as I am the PG(point guard) as well as being the captain of my school team, which gives me control and calmness, and no, I am not a control freak. Oh basketball, how I love you. The other day I did this one play, it was absolute sickness, you see I'm good at a lot of sports, but the only one I love more than basketball is hockey, which I haven't played in ages, so pretty much you could say I have the most skill in basketball out of all the sports I play. So, I'm in the corner and I drive right, fake a spin move, lose my first defender, drive in the paint, cross over the second defender and take it to the whole and put it in with the third defender in my face. Normally, that is one of the easy plays I do, but on this occasion, after not having played for about 2 months, it was such a "I'M BACK!" moment. Yeah, so now since I have gotten the monkey off my back and updated my blog, I am out, see you in a day or two. Peace!

Monday, September 20, 2010

School no good.

School, school, school, need I say more? I mean just cause I'm a senior, does every single teacher have to tell us how hard they are going to ride us this year, once we reach our limit, they'll increase the goal, just a little bit more every time. Oh, so you're only doing that now? Shouldn't that be happening like, every year? On top of that, I am so sleepy in class, and even though its 4:25 am, and I am awake it's because i slept yesterday at 3 pm-6pm and then 11 pm-4 am, so I will probably be tired at school, I just can't fall back asleep. 2 days have gone by, I feel like this is going to be a bad year, don't know why, I'm not a pessimist or anything, I just have this feeling in the back of my mind. In all honesty if one thing changed this year, it would become a good year, but that's me living in a dream world. No I shall not tell you, oh, why'd I mention it? I was creating some suspense, did it work? ha. Anyways, I balled the first day of school, by myself, nobody else wanted to leave their friends, yes, I have friends! I just love basketball and going 2 months without touching one(no courts near my house cause this place does not make any recreational areas other than soccer fields) sucks. When I saw one on the ground, just picked it up and started doing my favorite moves. I feel at home on the court like I was born to play the sport, and when I play, and I'm playing well, it's the greatest feeling. Then I got all sweaty, and then I went into my very first class. What did I have, oh yeah, calculus. I love my calculus teacher, bomb. My physics teacher is awesome too! My other teachers, I don't love them, I just like them. Cracking jokes most of the first day is my specialty, and we did just that. It wasn't a bad day, it's just school gets me oh so tired, and pissed off. At the end of the second day, I was in such a go away cause I'm going to be rude to you, and you are going to get mad mood. Nobody left me alone then either. I haven't been myself lately, especially not yesterday, I do not know why that is, but it sucks and I don't like how I am that way, you know what I'm saying? I cannot wait for this week to end, I feel like this weekend is going to be awesome. My boy is coming back tonight, and I haven't seen him since like a week after school, oh and then another one of my friends is coming back tomorrow night, or the day after, no idea, but it'll be good to see her. Okay, so Lupe Fiasco got another track, I love how much work he's putting in, but I dislike that his two verses were too short. Bruno Mars feat. Lupe Fiasco - Just the Way You Are (Remix). Alright, I got to watch Boardwalk Empire, which you should watch, and Weeds before I have to go to school. Peace!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's been a while

So, I've missed this, it's been a while. It's just I had nothing interesting to write about. That has changed now, a lot has happened the last few days, my best friend came back from vacation, school is starting today actually, new songs have been released, and the Leafs have started training camp. Let's start with my best friend, first, if you ever go to the Middle East, do not ever take Middle East Airlines. His flight was supposed to land at 1:10-1:25 am(there were 2 flights). Of course, one of them arrived at the perfect time, and because my luck is just terrible, he wasn't on that one, he was on the one that was delayed an hour. Again, I remind you, this is at 1 am, and me, the genius I am didn't sleep for a long time, and only slept around 4 hours the night before, which led to me having a massive headache. So, I am dead tired, head kills, and the only thing keeping me awake is conversation with another friend who came with me. Finally, my boy comes out of the airport and we exchange, oh shit, go get haircut/shave remarks(his hair is mad long, and well my beard, is giant.) Then we go and chill and have Micky D's and as soon as we get back to my friend's place, I'm dead on the bed. Fast forward to the next morning, Gears of War time! Few hours gone in that, then we called my friend and told him to come over. In this time, I checked my Facebook and Twitter, and read a few articles about the Leafs. I found out the camp started, which should be a good sign, and I just like Kadri more and more. The team let Kadri speak to the media after a week(i forget why they didn't let him, if I remember, I'll let you know) and the kid goes like, "I missed you guys." That's classic. Kanye is back to his old ways! Hmm, maybe he reads my blog? Well, I doubt I'm that important, but he's back folks. Have I told you all about Good Friday, I can't recall if I have or not, so bear with me if I have. Good Friday is basically a compensation to Kanye's fans that his album release date got pushed back, so he releases a new song, every Friday. Just listen to the song he release, about two weeks back, called Devil in a New Dress. It's like Kanye in his college dropout days, well reminiscent of, not on par with. There's also Go to Sleep by my favorite artist, the master himself, Lupe Fiasco. That's a bit old though, like 2 weeks. School, that sweet ol' place, where you supposedly learn new things, everyday. I do not want to go there, I just have a major feeling this year is going to be long, and very crappy. On the plus side, it's my last year of high school, and if I can carry a 92 or higher average like I did last year, then I think I'll be alright for college. For real though, I seriously cannot take another day, let alone year of school, just praying that this year is chill.
Okay for real, every person that reads this gets a reward.
That song has been played a hell of a lot, and the first verse is just pure sickness, the second, slower, but deep as well, and the third verse, fifteen year old kid, holding his own. Sick track.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My birthday :)

So yesterday was my birthday and I had a feeling that it wouldn't go so well but in the end it turned out okay. I decided to eep it simple because supposedly I have a party in a day or two, no idea honestly, my friends are keepig their lips sealed. So, I went to my friends house and a few other friends showed up and we played poker and chilled. After an hour or so of playing, we went and ate at Papa Johns. On the way there we saw the funniest thing, this random dude ran by us, but it wasn't really running, he was literally skipping, and on the road, we cracked up laughing, and the guy stared back at us. We got back to my friends, played as long as we could and then went home, well not home, I just went to my friend's place and we are now watching Ironman 2, well he is, I watched it a long time ago, so I am blogging. It wasn't an eventful birthday but my parents said they'd buy me my present later on in the month and supposedly I'm having a party, so it should be good.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Yesterday, I downloaded one of my all time favorite movies, Avatar, in blue ray print and when it finished downloading, I checked the quality and it blew my mind. I got really excited and decided to watch it later on that night because Barcelona was about to start playing. Lionel Messi was at it again and even though he didn't get a hat-trick, he showed the whole world once again why he is so great. David Villa added one as well as Pedro and Alves. Seriously though, go watch the highlights of that game, Barcelona Vs. Panathinaikos. Messi's second goal was disgusting!! He literally wrecked the other team and the game was probably out of their hands after the shock defeat against Hercules, cause the man came to play. Oh, on another note, watch Dexter! It is one of the best shows on T.V. and even one of the best I have ever watched. Currently on the fourth season, don't spoil it! The season 7 finale of Entourage was sick, it wasn't a great season overall but the finale was incredible, and I cannot wait for season 8. Also, my favorite show is back, Sons of Anarchy, and it's back with a bang. I can't wait for tonight's episode. Hung, Weeds, and How to Make it in America are all shows that I also recommend.
Speaking of recommendations, music. Lupe Fiasco is my favorite artist but there are a lot of other rappers you should check out, I'll always give you recommendations but for now, check this mix tape out. It's by a kid named Diggy; a few tracks feature big names like Lupe, Raekwon, Pharell, and Chris Brown. To add to that impressive artist list, he held his own in terms of rapping with them as well, and he really impressed me. It's hot shit.
Here's the link:

So, after the Barcelona game, I went and started getting everything ready to watch Avatar, but then the clock struck 12. Oh look, it's September 15th, I got a few texts and calls from people wishing me a happy birthday, and my facebook was raped. I want a blackberry, really badly! After that, I sat down and started watching Avatar and my favorite part is the Taruk Maktao part, it always gets me excited!
I paused the movie to type all this, so now I'm going to get back to it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hockey's Back

I love hockey, and it has returned my friends. Finally, after almost 2 months of absence, Hockey is back! It may not be the real season, or even the real team. It's the rookie tournament, with only 4 teams participating. Leafs, Senators, Penguins, and the Blackhawks. Rookies and prospects from every team compete and show the coaches of the big clubs what they're made of. Now the biggest name on the Leafs roster that everyone is watching is hands down my man Nazem Kadri. I only watched the first period because well it was 3 am(8 pm in Canada) and I was mad tired. From what I saw it was a good showing from the Leafs, Kadri was showing that recently acquired muscle off by throwing some checks and going at the net. Rynnas looked pretty alright as well, as did D'amigo, but the kid that interested me the most was Greg Mckegg who pulled off a smart, skillful move to put one in the back of the net and I don't know, at that moment you can imagine that this kid will do that for the Leafs one day. Those are just a few of the kids that played well, I was just really impressed, and hopefully tonight, we see Kadri release that rifle of a shot he has from the top of the slot! Playing the Penguins right now, oh look, we're up 1-0. Haa!

Not so good

Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona. So, a day ago, FC Barcelona played Hercules. Barca is like one of the best if not the best team in the world hands down. They are the team that the world champions Spain was basically shaped around. So, it came as a huge surprise when they lost 2-0 to Hercules, a team that came back to top flight football in Spain after 10+ years. Did Barcelona play bad, at some points yes, at others, no. I think it was just not their day. I don't want to take credit away from Hercules, cause not many teams can say they shut out Barcelona, not many teams can say, that Xavi's, Iniesta's, and Messi's efforts combined didn't come to fruition. They did put in a valiant effort, but then again, Puyol wasn't playing, Xavi came on at halftime, as did Pedro. Would it been a different game? Yes. First, Pique is much more comfortable with Puyol as his defensive partner, but, unfortunately he was injured. Xavi makes a difference not just with his skill but with his presence. You could tell that as soon as Xavi came on, even Iniesta became a bit more alive and felt easier, it's like you could see it in his play. Now Pedro, well personally, he should have started in front of Bojan because well he is a more accomplished striker and even though Bojan has the skill, I just don't see the consistency that a "Number 9" should have. Overall, it wasn't a very good game for me as a Barcelona fan, but it's always good not to get too cocky. No one is invincible, always remember that.

Friday, September 10, 2010

First Day of Eid

Yesterday was the first day of Eid. It was a long, boring, and uneventful day. I got home from the previous night around 12 30 and since I knew I would have to go to prayers in 5 hours, didn't sleep. After prayers I slept around 6 am till 6 pm. I slept in front of the air conditioner and when I woke up my neck muscles were all stiff and it killed every time I turned my head. On top of that, my thigh killed from playing football so I also had a limp. Yes, sucks, I know. Since it's Eid, we had to go to somebody's house. Thankfully, it was my boy Taha's house. We chilled, talked about the stupidity of Pakistani cricketers, and ate. All these activities happened over a span of about 3-4 hours. Oh, and we mocked other people too which is always fun. I got home, made tang in a bottle and played some CoD: MW2, checked my email, and now I'm here. Today, it is the second day of Eid. There are three by the way if any of you are wondering. Oh and a recommendation that is totally off topic, listen to Go Hard (Part 1 & 2) by Royce Da 5'9". Back on topic, today shall be even more uneventful, except that football is back. FC Barcelona vs. Hercules, yes! Yes, the opposing team's name is actually Hercules. Alright well, I am off to bed now. Good Night!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Life is good.

It's Eid today, money soon. Yesterday was hands down the best day of my summer. It was my friend's birthday party and even though I walked about 11 km while I was fasting, it turned out to be an amazing night. Rapping on a balcony twenty-two stories up, meeting hot as hell Canadian chicks at the pool. I'm not even making that last part up! Cracking jokes, playing soccer, just chilling in the pool and what not. It was just so awesome, like perfect mix of mellowness and the opposite of mellowness. Oh and Ramadan is over! Don't get me wrong, I love Ramadan, but chilling from 2 pm without having to worry about what people around you are saying and just chilling is much better. yknumsayinn?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's 6:36 am. Why am i awake? All summer I've been sleeping later and later so now, I finally have to fix my sleeping patterns. School is in ten days son. Also, Eid is tomorrow, and I can't sleep till 4 pm throughout the most important religious holiday. That reminds me, Eid Mubarak!! Hopefully, you all get alot of money, cause I sure as hell hope I do.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

aww shit.

Being a Pakistani has its ups and downs. I don't claim to be from Pakistan, I say I'm from Canada as I have lived there for 9 years and have the passport. Being a Pakistani cricket fan just has its downs though. For real, 2 of our best bowlers, our captain, and maybe our wicket keeper are under scrutiny for a betting scandal, and most likely they'll never play again. On top of that Pakistan is playing absolute shit cricket right now. 89 runs in 20 overs. We are one of the best at cricket games that have 20 overs cause thats how our batters play, they hit a few runs, they get out, even if all of them hit 10, we get 120 which is not too good, but not bad either. Even when you think shit cant get any worse, we get a score of 89. Good job guys. Another fan left happy. Spain game in 40 minutes better be frikin kick ass.


Today is a good day, my boy is coming over and I haven't seen him in like ages. Score. Spain is playing Argentina tonight. Score. Lionel Messi, my favorite player. Score. Barcelona is my favorite team and half of Spain's team are Barcelona players. Score. Lupe Fiasco is bomb. Score. Awesome day.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I got nothing.

I've realized that nothing really interesting is going on in my life, school still hasn't started, I haven't been out with my friends for about 2 days, and I spend all my time watching Dexter or House, and playing Call of Duty. Also, it's the off season in hockey, and on top of that Barcelona isn't playing till September 12th. My birthday is coming up, so that's something to look forward to. That's it really, if anything interesting or important comes up, I'll be sure to tell you.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Awesome Taxi Driver

So last night around 11:30, I'm looking for a taxi. While i was looking, i decided to walk closer to my house so it would cost less cause at that time where i was standing he would have to go in a giant circle and it was night shift and I like saving my money. So, i walked, and walked, and walked. 2 kilometers basically, and about 15 taxis passed by and didn't stop even though I was waving frantically at them. Finally, a taxi stops. By this time, I'm all pissed off cause I'd been walking for like an hour in hot ass weather. So, I get in and put my head on the headrest, tell him where to go and he starts driving. We stop at signal ahead and i remember I don't have that much money left and he's like no problem, turns of the counting meter and continues driving. Now, I liked the guy more, not cause he saved me money, but cause of his personality. So I ask him where he's from and he says he's from India. I say that I'm from Pakistan. Then he's like talk to me in Urdu!! So, the conversation went on, we talked about cricket, the current betting scandal going on with the Pakistani Cricket team, and he just really made my day. At the end i was like Inshallah(hopefully) we'll meet again, and he was like why not? Then we said Allah Hafiz(customary goodbye in our culture) As I've grown up, I've noticed some of the best conversations I've had are with some taxi drivers, but never to the extent that i was smiling all the way up-to my room. He was really an awesome dude to talk to.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

what's the hype about?

Here are the lyrics:

[Bon Iver]
I shoot the lights out
Hide til its bright out
Whoa, just another lonely night
Are you willing to sacrifice your life?
[Rick Ross]
Bitch I’m a monster no good blood sucker
fat muthaf-cker now look who’s in trouble
as you run through my jungle all you hear is rumbles
Kanye West sample, here’s one for example
[Kanye West - Chorus]
Gossip gossip
n-ggas just stop it
everybody know (I’m a muthaf-cking monster)
I’ma need to see your f-cking hands at the concert
I’ma need to see your f-cking hands at the concert
profit profit, n-gga I got it
everybody know I’m a muthaf-cking monster
I’ma need to see your f-cking hands at the concert
I’ma need to see your f-cking hands at the ….
The best living or dead hands down huh?
less talk more head right now huh?
and my eyes more red than the devil is
and I’m bout to take it to another level bitch
there you go again, aint nobody as cold as this
do the rap and the track triple double no assist
but my only focus is staying on some bogus sh-t
argue with my older bitch acting like I owe her sh-t
I heard the people sayin raps are gettin trap mayne
bought the chain that always give me back pain
f-ckin up my money so yeh I had to act sane
Chi n-gga but these hoes love my accent
she came up to me and said this the number 2
if you wanna make it number one your number 2 now
this that goose an’ malibu I call it Malibooya
God damn Yeezy How I hit em with the new style
know that muthaf-cker well, what you gon do now
whatever ever I wanna do, gosh its cool now
nah gonna do, uhh its a new now
think yo muthaf-cker really reall need to cool down
cause you will never get on top off this
so mommy best advice is to get on top of this
have you ever had sex with a pharoah
I put the p-ssy in a sarcophagus
now she claiming I bruise her esophagus
head of the class and she just want a swallowship
I’m living the future so the presence is my past
my presence is a present kiss my ass
[Kanye West - Chorus]
Sasquatch, Godzilla, King Kong
Lochness, Goblin, Ghoul, a zombie with no conscience
question what do all these things have in common
everybody knows I’m a muthaf-cking monster
conquer, stomp ya, stop your silly nonsense
none of you n-ggas know where the swamp is
none of you n-ggas have seen the carnage that I’ve seen
I still here fiends scream in my dream
murder murder in black convertibles
I kill a block I murder avenues
rape and pillage a village, women and children
everybody wanna know what my achilles heel is
LOVE I dont get enough of it
all I get is these vampires and blood suckers
all I see is these n-ggas I’ve made millionnaires
milling about, spilling there feelings in the air (shot at Beanie?)
all I see is these fake f-cks with no fangs
tryna draw blood with my ice cold veins
I smell a massacre
seems to be the only way to back you bastards up
[Nicki Minaj]
Pull up in the monster
automobile gangster
with a bad b-tch that came from Sri Lanka
yeah I’m in that Tonka, colour of Willy Wonka
you could be the King but watch the Queen conquer
ok first things first I’ll eat your brains
then I’mma start rocking gold teeth and fangs
cause that’s what a muthaf-cking monster do
hairdresser from Milan, thats the monster do
monster Giuseppe heel that’s the monster shoe
Young Money is the roster and the monster crew
and I’m all up all up all up in the bank with the funny face
and if I’m fake I aint notice cause my money aint
let me get this straight wait I’m the rookie
but my features and my shows ten times your pay?
50k for a verse, no album out!
yeah my money’s so tall that my barbie’s gotta climb it
hotter than a middle eastern climate
find it Tony Matterhorn dutty wine it
while it, nicki on them titties when I sign it
how these n-ggas so one-track minded
but really really I don’t give a F-U-C-K
forget barbie f-ck nicki she’s fake
she’s on a diet but my pockets eating cheese cake
and I’ll say bride of Chucky is Child’s play
just killed another career it’s a mild day
besides ‘Ye they can’t stand besides me
I think me, you and Am [Amber Rose] should menage friday
pink wig thick ass give em whip lash
I think big get cash make em blink fast
now look at what you just saw I think this is what you live for
aaaahhh, I’m a muthaf-cking monster!
[Bon Iver]
I-I crossed the line-line
and I’ll-I’ll let God decide-cide
I-I wouldn’t last these shows
so I-I am headed home

So in the above link its a track that was recently released, last Friday i believe. Monster is its name, Kanye West, Rick Ross, Jay Z, Nicki Minaj, Bon Iver. Alot of people on my facebook and in my life as well as famous people claim this track is killer, and Nicki "bodied" it, 'Ye killed it, Jay was classic, and Rick Ross is boss? I have no problem with Bon Iver, even though his part doesn't really fit into the mood of the song. I don't get it, how do you think this song is good? I love Hip-Hop, it's the best type of music, but I hate shitty Hip-Hop. I like meaning, and you can say it was hot shit, the beat was sick, they the greatest rappers ever, but listen to what they're saying man. Simple rhymes for simple minds.
First of all, Rick Ross has 4 lines in this song. I'm glad they didn't give him a whole verse, cause he was so bad in these four lines, imagine if he went at it in a whole verse, damn. His lines don't even relate, he switches from himself and then to how you're about to hear Kanye, 4 lines, really?
Jay was classic? Have you head classic Jay?!?!!!? Take about an hour out of your life and listen to Reasonable Doubt. That is classic Jay. I have alot of respect for Jay-Z, but this track made me lose respect for him. Then again, Jay-Z is a monster at killing songs, but not on this one, disappointing.
This is the Jay i expected to hear:
"Uhh, Young, uhh 
So the pen is mightier than the sword my lord 
My first picture was a line-up, now I'm on the Forbes 
And I still remain the artiste through thees all 
If you force my hand I'll be forced to "draw" 
If the war calls for war halls 
Hope you got enough space on your hall's walls 
I make niggaz murals, then escape the bureau's 
investigation, out in Europe on vacation 
I'm back for these puppies with the pound boy 
(Blaow) Here's a round boy (blaow blaow) down boy 
Sound boy, you don't wanna soundclash loud noise 
leave niggaz paranoid if not paralyzed 
Which means you can't walk in my shoes 
Too much green you can't talk in my hue 
Extend the team, nigga holla at Lu' 
1st and 15th, that's my cue, I'm through" - Lupe Fiasco Feat. Jay-Z - Pressure 
Kanye West killed it? No, he didn't. I got used to the cocky attitude and all but compared to the Graduation, and College Dropout Kanye, by no means did he kill it. I'm glad he's back to rapping, but this is just crap, yet better than everybody else, or maybe tied with Jay. I just hope Kanye can return to his old form.
"I get down for my grandfather who took my momma
Made her sit that seat where white folks ain't wanna us to eat
At the tender age of 6 she was arrested for the sit in
With that in my blood I was born to be different
Now niggas can't make it to ballots to choose leadership
But we can make it to Jacob and to the dealership
That's why I hear new music
And I just don't be feeling it
Racism still alive they just be concealing it
But I know they don't want me in the damn club
They even made me show I.D to get inside of Sam's club
I did dirt and went to church to get my hands scrubbed
Swear I've been baptised at least 3 or 4 times
But in the land where nigga's praise
Yukons and getting paid
It gon' take a lot more than coupons to get us saved
Like it take a lot more than do-rags to get your waves
Noting sadder than that day my girl father past away
So I promised to Mr Rany I'm gonna marry your daughter
And u know I gotta thank u for they way that she was brought up
And I know that u were smiling when u see that car I bought her
And u sent tears from heaven when u seen my car get balled up
But I can't complaint what the accident did to my Left Eye
Cuz look what a accident did to Left Eye
First Aaliyah and now romeo must die
I know a got angels watching me from the other side" Kanye West feat Jay-Z & J-Ivy - Never Let Me Down

Finally, the reason i actually made this blog post, Nicki Minaj. I don't listen to alot of her songs, and the only reason i listened to monster was because Jay-Z and Kanye were on it. Lets start off with, scariness? She sounds like a monster, but she isn't one, not at rapping at least. Her verse remotely makes sense till the 4th line, then it just disbands. You know, she is like a female Lil' Wayne. I hate him too. Also, I respect how hard it is for female rappers to get big, but i tihnk she did it the wrong way, if you've listened to her songs, this whole barbie thing is messed up, and just like Lil' Wayne, kids are using her as a role model, and i think that's just messed up. I tihnk she should've done it differently, she has no lyrical skill, she does not use metaphors like everyone says, she comes nothing close to a true female rapper. Jean Grae. You want to see how it should be done, listen to the track Even on Your Best Day. So moving on, yes we know your money isn't fake, but speaking like a barbie and dressing up like one and doing all the shit you do, makes you look fake. 50 k for a verse, no album out. You know why, cause even the people that like you know you don't come at it with hard shit when you by yourself, you are weak with more than one verse is what they say. Personally, I think you are just weak. Killed another career, it's a mild day. Ha. Kill one career in your lifetime and I'll be shocked. 

yeah my money’s so tall that my barbie’s gotta climb it
hotter than a middle eastern climate
find it Tony Matterhorn dutty wine it
while it, nicki on them titties when I sign it
how these n-ggas so one-track minded
but really really I don’t give a F-U-C-K
So, how does this go together? Now I gave you bits and pieces, I could dissect this whole verse in a few minutes and show you how it is garbage. This is the woman that  you want leading the female rap game. Female Weezy. This is some shit. If you tihnk Nicki Minaj is good, son, you need to get your head checked. All you can call me a hater, but find me a good Minaj
verse. jeez.
I just don't see how this song is good. As you can tell, bad music pisses me off. 

Never Let Me Down/Pressure:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The potential is finally there

As you probably know from the title of this blog, I'm a hockey fan, but not just a hockey a fan, a die-hard one at that. I love, and i really do mean love, the Toronto Maple Leafs.We haven't won the cup in 43 years and on top of that, we haven't even made it to the playoffs in 5. It's been a long time, but I finally do see the light at the end of the tunnel. Personally, i believe that the Leafs will end their playoff drought this year and their cup drought a few years from now. Disagree? Here are 5 reasons why I believe this will happen.
1. Nazem Kadri: drafted 7th overall, has the soft hands, speed, and the eyes of a passer. He shall resurrect the Leafs with scoring for years.
2. Luke Schenn: drafted 5th overall, has the size, the teammates, and the pressure was recently taken off him. He will be one of our premier shutdown defencemen for years to come.
3. Dion Phaneuf: traded for him last year, named him captain, has the skill, the size, the leadership quality. Also, Doug Gilmour, one of the most famous Leafs of all time, was ushered out of Calgary and named Leafs Captain. Sign for good things to come? I believe so. He will lead this team all the way baby.
4. Jonas Gustavvsson: he had an up and down season last year but when Giggy came from Anaheim, he felt at home between the pipes and showed us what he was made of. He is the future of goal tending for this franchise.
5. 2011 Free Agency: the summer of 2011 will be a big one, the Leafs may have around 13 million dollars to spend on free agents, and there will be a ton of skilled players looking for new homes next summer. We won't get all of them, but there is a player that keeps popping up in rumors, one of the best players in the leagues, in terms of scoring, passing, leading a team. Big Joe. Joe Thortnon. His family lives near Toronto, not in Toronto, but Toronto is a hell of a lot closer than San Jose, which is where he plays now. I think if Brian Burke can land Big Joe then the Leafs will win a cup much faster, with your top two line centres being Joe Thortnon and hopefully if Kadri lives up to his potential. In my book, thats a pretty good top two.
Now, there are many things that can go wrong here, Kadri may not live up to his potential, Schenn may get injured or traded or have a bad season or a number of things, Dion Phaneuf may just suck, and Gustavvsson may be soft. We may not get Joe. Even if all these things go wrong, I think this team is heading in the right direction. The sun is coming out from behind the clouds.