Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My birthday :)

So yesterday was my birthday and I had a feeling that it wouldn't go so well but in the end it turned out okay. I decided to eep it simple because supposedly I have a party in a day or two, no idea honestly, my friends are keepig their lips sealed. So, I went to my friends house and a few other friends showed up and we played poker and chilled. After an hour or so of playing, we went and ate at Papa Johns. On the way there we saw the funniest thing, this random dude ran by us, but it wasn't really running, he was literally skipping, and on the road, we cracked up laughing, and the guy stared back at us. We got back to my friends, played as long as we could and then went home, well not home, I just went to my friend's place and we are now watching Ironman 2, well he is, I watched it a long time ago, so I am blogging. It wasn't an eventful birthday but my parents said they'd buy me my present later on in the month and supposedly I'm having a party, so it should be good.