Monday, September 20, 2010

School no good.

School, school, school, need I say more? I mean just cause I'm a senior, does every single teacher have to tell us how hard they are going to ride us this year, once we reach our limit, they'll increase the goal, just a little bit more every time. Oh, so you're only doing that now? Shouldn't that be happening like, every year? On top of that, I am so sleepy in class, and even though its 4:25 am, and I am awake it's because i slept yesterday at 3 pm-6pm and then 11 pm-4 am, so I will probably be tired at school, I just can't fall back asleep. 2 days have gone by, I feel like this is going to be a bad year, don't know why, I'm not a pessimist or anything, I just have this feeling in the back of my mind. In all honesty if one thing changed this year, it would become a good year, but that's me living in a dream world. No I shall not tell you, oh, why'd I mention it? I was creating some suspense, did it work? ha. Anyways, I balled the first day of school, by myself, nobody else wanted to leave their friends, yes, I have friends! I just love basketball and going 2 months without touching one(no courts near my house cause this place does not make any recreational areas other than soccer fields) sucks. When I saw one on the ground, just picked it up and started doing my favorite moves. I feel at home on the court like I was born to play the sport, and when I play, and I'm playing well, it's the greatest feeling. Then I got all sweaty, and then I went into my very first class. What did I have, oh yeah, calculus. I love my calculus teacher, bomb. My physics teacher is awesome too! My other teachers, I don't love them, I just like them. Cracking jokes most of the first day is my specialty, and we did just that. It wasn't a bad day, it's just school gets me oh so tired, and pissed off. At the end of the second day, I was in such a go away cause I'm going to be rude to you, and you are going to get mad mood. Nobody left me alone then either. I haven't been myself lately, especially not yesterday, I do not know why that is, but it sucks and I don't like how I am that way, you know what I'm saying? I cannot wait for this week to end, I feel like this weekend is going to be awesome. My boy is coming back tonight, and I haven't seen him since like a week after school, oh and then another one of my friends is coming back tomorrow night, or the day after, no idea, but it'll be good to see her. Okay, so Lupe Fiasco got another track, I love how much work he's putting in, but I dislike that his two verses were too short. Bruno Mars feat. Lupe Fiasco - Just the Way You Are (Remix). Alright, I got to watch Boardwalk Empire, which you should watch, and Weeds before I have to go to school. Peace!