Friday, September 24, 2010

The Weekend, What a Beautiful Time of Week

I was counting down how many hours left at school, and I must say this weekend was highly anticipated, not because of how fun it would be, but because of it being the first weekend of senior year. So, I'm just gonna skip to the better part of the day. I get to my friend's place and we go to the ball court, start playing a little 2 on 2 and even though I'm nowhere near as good as 2 months ago, my boy and I still ran shit against a far better player on that day and another one of my boys. Then we took a little break and started playing again, full court and I got so sweaty that when I lay on the ground and got up, you could completely see the imprint of my body on the ground. After 30 or so minutes of ball we went inside to chill, played table tennis, and just chilled. Then, we went outside and played football. It took a while to get everybody on the field, but when we finally did, it was sick. I played QB and WR(Wide Receiver). I made a few sick plays, and this one play I was the KR(Kick Returner) and I literally faked 4 players with one spin and they were so lost it was unbelievable. We ended up winning by 2 touchdowns because yours truly made the most important tackle of the game. I took down their biggest dude, who basically is a bulldozer. I just went for his legs and he ended up fumbling it. A few plays after that, I was running the ball up the field and my friend sticks his leg up thinking about drop kicking me and then pulls out of it. So, he gets the idea in one of my teammates' heads. When the same bulldozer is running again, my friend just runs and drop kicks him in ribs and he runs a few more steps and falls. All of us didn't know whether to laugh or see if he was alright so we all put on concerned faces and check on him, and then we look the other way and my 2 friends are wrestling, oblivious to anything that happened. When we told them what happened, they just cracked up laughing. Eventually, I ended up at home and chilled on the comp for a while, got some new shows. Later on, the next day, I found out the Leafs went into 11 rounds of shootout and won 3-2. That makes our record for the preseason 2-1 and we are playing again against the Philadelphia Flyers. Also, Barcelona is playing tomorrow against Athletic Club de Bilbao, the second test without Messi, who was sorely missed the first game, I'm assuming, my brother kept annoying me for the T.V because Pakistan was playing cricket at the same time. Barcelona ended up winning 1-0, but from what I heard, there wasn't that same, what's the word, pizazz, as there is when Messi is playing. After reading articles on sports and what not, I went and played cricket, I barely batted today, not a good day for our whole team the first game and the second game the first two batters didn't even get out till we won. I got home, showered and what not, and now I'm here. Now I have to go do my homework so I can sleep as long as I want and whenever I want to tomorrow, peace!