Saturday, September 4, 2010

Awesome Taxi Driver

So last night around 11:30, I'm looking for a taxi. While i was looking, i decided to walk closer to my house so it would cost less cause at that time where i was standing he would have to go in a giant circle and it was night shift and I like saving my money. So, i walked, and walked, and walked. 2 kilometers basically, and about 15 taxis passed by and didn't stop even though I was waving frantically at them. Finally, a taxi stops. By this time, I'm all pissed off cause I'd been walking for like an hour in hot ass weather. So, I get in and put my head on the headrest, tell him where to go and he starts driving. We stop at signal ahead and i remember I don't have that much money left and he's like no problem, turns of the counting meter and continues driving. Now, I liked the guy more, not cause he saved me money, but cause of his personality. So I ask him where he's from and he says he's from India. I say that I'm from Pakistan. Then he's like talk to me in Urdu!! So, the conversation went on, we talked about cricket, the current betting scandal going on with the Pakistani Cricket team, and he just really made my day. At the end i was like Inshallah(hopefully) we'll meet again, and he was like why not? Then we said Allah Hafiz(customary goodbye in our culture) As I've grown up, I've noticed some of the best conversations I've had are with some taxi drivers, but never to the extent that i was smiling all the way up-to my room. He was really an awesome dude to talk to.