Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's been a while

So, I've missed this, it's been a while. It's just I had nothing interesting to write about. That has changed now, a lot has happened the last few days, my best friend came back from vacation, school is starting today actually, new songs have been released, and the Leafs have started training camp. Let's start with my best friend, first, if you ever go to the Middle East, do not ever take Middle East Airlines. His flight was supposed to land at 1:10-1:25 am(there were 2 flights). Of course, one of them arrived at the perfect time, and because my luck is just terrible, he wasn't on that one, he was on the one that was delayed an hour. Again, I remind you, this is at 1 am, and me, the genius I am didn't sleep for a long time, and only slept around 4 hours the night before, which led to me having a massive headache. So, I am dead tired, head kills, and the only thing keeping me awake is conversation with another friend who came with me. Finally, my boy comes out of the airport and we exchange, oh shit, go get haircut/shave remarks(his hair is mad long, and well my beard, is giant.) Then we go and chill and have Micky D's and as soon as we get back to my friend's place, I'm dead on the bed. Fast forward to the next morning, Gears of War time! Few hours gone in that, then we called my friend and told him to come over. In this time, I checked my Facebook and Twitter, and read a few articles about the Leafs. I found out the camp started, which should be a good sign, and I just like Kadri more and more. The team let Kadri speak to the media after a week(i forget why they didn't let him, if I remember, I'll let you know) and the kid goes like, "I missed you guys." That's classic. Kanye is back to his old ways! Hmm, maybe he reads my blog? Well, I doubt I'm that important, but he's back folks. Have I told you all about Good Friday, I can't recall if I have or not, so bear with me if I have. Good Friday is basically a compensation to Kanye's fans that his album release date got pushed back, so he releases a new song, every Friday. Just listen to the song he release, about two weeks back, called Devil in a New Dress. It's like Kanye in his college dropout days, well reminiscent of, not on par with. There's also Go to Sleep by my favorite artist, the master himself, Lupe Fiasco. That's a bit old though, like 2 weeks. School, that sweet ol' place, where you supposedly learn new things, everyday. I do not want to go there, I just have a major feeling this year is going to be long, and very crappy. On the plus side, it's my last year of high school, and if I can carry a 92 or higher average like I did last year, then I think I'll be alright for college. For real though, I seriously cannot take another day, let alone year of school, just praying that this year is chill.
Okay for real, every person that reads this gets a reward.
That song has been played a hell of a lot, and the first verse is just pure sickness, the second, slower, but deep as well, and the third verse, fifteen year old kid, holding his own. Sick track.