Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Senior Life.

Being a senior is no good, no good at all, I mean, I am always so tired, I come home, eat, and then sleep right away for about 3 or 4 hours. I wake up, do my homework and assignments and then either watch a Barca game or cricket game until it's time to sleep again. Sleep is my main worry because I don't want to fall asleep in class, cause well, the teachers will rape me, but again, I am up at 4:30 am, God knows why, writing my blog. I'm sorry I've been away, I know you missed me. My English teacher told us to write a journal entry every day of the year, can I just blog and give him the link or is that cheating? Man I have been looking forward to the weekend for a long time, I feel like it's been ages since I've actually enjoyed myself. Oh but I shall this weekend, shows galore, I love September! Oh, to all you doubters, first game of preseason for the Leafs we lost 5-0 to the Sens, a day later we are currently winning 4-1, against the Sens. Personally, I believe preseason is just a way for the coach to choose the players he is going to use during the season. Last preseason the leafs won 9 of 12 games and when the season started we went 0-7-1, essentially, no games won, 8 losses. Preseason doesn't matter to me for jack shit other than the fact that hockey's back! Okay, back to shows, Chuck has returned, it was alright, not up to my expectations, but alright. How I met your Mother has returned, finally, after its' long awaited arrival by me. Sons of Anarchy, what a show, damn. Dexter's 5th season on September 26th, not a good date for me, due to the past, so let us hope it doesn't bomb, eh? I cannot wait till Football tomorrow, if you're from Asia, then I'm talking about American Football(Football is soccer here). I just love being a QB(Quarterback), even in basketball, I like running things, the ball must always be in my hands, and it is in basketball, as I am the PG(point guard) as well as being the captain of my school team, which gives me control and calmness, and no, I am not a control freak. Oh basketball, how I love you. The other day I did this one play, it was absolute sickness, you see I'm good at a lot of sports, but the only one I love more than basketball is hockey, which I haven't played in ages, so pretty much you could say I have the most skill in basketball out of all the sports I play. So, I'm in the corner and I drive right, fake a spin move, lose my first defender, drive in the paint, cross over the second defender and take it to the whole and put it in with the third defender in my face. Normally, that is one of the easy plays I do, but on this occasion, after not having played for about 2 months, it was such a "I'M BACK!" moment. Yeah, so now since I have gotten the monkey off my back and updated my blog, I am out, see you in a day or two. Peace!