Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's been a while

Man, it's been a long ass time since I have blogged about my life. I have changed so much since the last time I wrote a blog, I have become disconnected form hockey as I am just tired of losing for so long. FC Barcelona, J. Cole, and good hip hop have become my passions. Lupe Fiasco is still one of my favorite artists but to me he hasn't been the same since he dropped The Cool. That's been a while. So let's get started now, same old system.
Barca. Today, I watched a documentary on the one, the only, Lionel Messi. I seriously do not understand how people can still argue that he's not the best player in the world, and in my opinion, of all time. Granted, he hasn't won a world cup, but no one has ever claimed he can take on a whole team by himself. Also, last world cup, and for a few games after that the team around him has been mediocre. Messi needs players around him that attract defenders like in Barca. Teams know that if they mark Lionel Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Alexis, Fabregas, Pedro, and Villa can all cause them damage. Argentina just doesn't give him the right players for him to succeed. He needs wingers that cut in and can finish with ease, and midfielders that at the same time, can find him with ease so he doesn't have to carry the ball up from midfield for the entire game. That's enough about Messi, now to my joint-favorite player on Barcelona, Don Andres Iniesta. This man scores whenever we need it doesn't he? Closed the game off against AC Milan last night, semi-final against Chelsea 2009, and the World Cup final just to name a few important ones.  He glides past players with close control that even legends of the game marvel. I'm glad we got Cesc Fabregas because Iniesta is not the next Xavi. He's just the Don. Pique! As soon as he starts playing like the old beast, he gets injured. What the hell?!?!?! When he was barely doing anything, he was fine, and now this? Bullshit.
J. Cole. I have a friend who says all his songs sound the same, I have another friend who hates on him for no reason and likes Chris Brown. If any of you really think that there's a mainstream rapper better than Cole(excluding Eminem) then you guys are foolish. This man has it all, the flow, the rhymes, and the content. He can rap about deep shit and about dumb ass shit and still sound better than any rapper. The guy can spit that's all I need to say. Just for ya'll to believe me, I'm going to give you some lyrics from one of my favorite songs by Cole, Grown Simba.
"I'm a star, Converses conversin with them girls with them curves like cursive.
They open like curtains, cause my shit is unheard of like curses on the radio.
Same bitches used to play me though.
 Now they yellin, where ya going nigga?"
It's a Cole World.
Next post, Azad Right, Kendrick Lamar, The Weeknd, Frank Ocean.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Yo! Yours truly just got his results for half of the first semester. I got a 95! Highest total average ever. I raised my mark up by 3 percent! How sick is that! I love myself so much right now. I'm going at it this year. McMaster here I come!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Got This.

I have so much to talk about, I don't know where to start. First off, I sprained my knee ligament so I can barely walk and I am gladly not going to school tomorrow. Well, today actually, since its almost 2 A.M. Lets start off with shows, Californication. Would any guy not love that show? Shit, I knew there were sexual scenes in the show, but I did not expect that many. Jeez. Contrary to what you probably think, no, that is not why I like the show. It is actually pretty well made, well acted out, and not a bad storyline to add to that. Also, I assume it'll get much less explicit because well no human in the right mind would make a show where the dude gets laid 5 times each twenty minute episode.
Hockey, hockey, hockey. If you deserve respect, I give it to you. Even though I hate the Tampa Bay Lightning(my boy's team), Steven Stamkos, you are absolutely sick. 20 games, 19 goals, 34 points to lead the NHL. When you were drafted #1 Overall a few years ago, I was skeptical if you would become the next Crosby. That was wrong of me because I should never have compared you to Crosby. You are Steven Stamkos, and right now you are the league leader in points and guess who is second? Crosby, and that is with 21 games played. Canada will win 2014's Gold Medal. When they do, you think of today, you think of me, you think of how I predicted it 4 years before. Stamkos, that's why. Oh, and Tavares, and Hall. Jeez. We just keep bringing gems into the league don't we? Now to the Leafs, finally snapped our losing streak, when it got to an 8 game one. Then we went on a 2 game winning streak, and then we lost to Montreal 2-0. What a game against Montreal. Jonas Gustavvsson played spectacularly I must say. He has beautiful leg speed and control over his positioning, but he just needs to come out a foot or two to face each shot. He sits a bit far back in his crease, other than that, I think he's our future number 1 goalie. KADRI'S here. I don't know why I like Kadri so much honestly, I think its my affinity to Arabs, seeing as I live in an Arab country now. Lets hope he does well.
El Clasico. One week from now, the game that every La Liga fan drools over. Not just La Liga fans, the media, football fans all over the world, it's time for FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid. Barca has won the last 4 Clascios. That is in the past, lets talk about the present. Why will Barcelona win this Clasico? Why else? Lionel Messi. I do not think Real Madrid's defense is strong enough to stop Messi and if they do, then Iniesta, Villa, Xavi, Pedro will all raid the net. I recently watched Argentina vs. Brazil live, like I was at the stadium, and just when you thought it was all over, guess who brought the crowd on their feet with a spectacular goal, with a finish that gave even Maradona goosebumps. That's right, you guessed it(well i guess you did), Lionel Messi. What a player. My El Clasico prediction: 2-1 Barcelona. Messi and Villa scoring for Barca, and Higuain for Real Madrid.
Now to Mr. Lupe Fiasco. I realized that i was completely mistaken about The Show Goes On. I'm sorry Lupe, for ever doubting you, but for real i thought you may have dumbed it down but then as I listened to it more closely, I realized even though it may have been an Atlantic Records track, you told em' to shove it! I respect you for that. On another note, Super Lupe Rap(known as SLR) is absolutely sick and I still don't get every line. Lupe fiasco, You are a genius. As I've been saying lately alot, I got this, but in Lupe's case, and the game, he got this. He really does, and Lasers is going to be insane. Want to get some attention, I dare you to say something to Lu. He will wreck you.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


You building so much hype for me now dog!! Lets break it down, Lupe says Lasers will be his best work ever, a lot of feelings are going to get hurt and he doesn't give a shit about em, albeit he said respectfully to his competition. Lupe! You are building so much hype man, it's so sick. I cannot wait for March 8th, 2011. Best day of next year, oh and the last day of high school should be pretty good too. For real, number one, Lasers will be his best work ever, ever? If you have heard Food and Liquor, The Cool, and every single one of his songs, then that means a lot. I think that basically means he will never dumb it down, I am sorry for doubting you Lu. Number two, a lot of feelings are going to get hurt, oh shit. He gonna go in!!!!! HE IS GOING TO GO IN ON THIS SHIT! RAP WILL BE BORN AGAIN BABY! All due respect. HA! There are days in every person's calendar that they can't wait to get to, i.e., your birthday, last day of school, but for me, Lasers coming out will be better than all of this. Lasers, Love Always Shines Everytime Remember to Smile.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Return of the King

I know, I know, you missed me. I've been busy yo. You know with all the schoolwork and what not. Alright, not really, just never had the energy to type shit up. It's been a while. As you know the highly anticipated date of October 26th has passed, for those who don't know, it is because the new single off Mr. Lupe Fiasco's album dropped. The Show Goes On. Go to and buy that shit, show your support for lupee! I did. I've been thinking a lot about the song, did Lu dumb it down to get more fans? He went more radio with the beat, I think that was an Atlantic Records' beat that they wanted Lu to go in on and it wasn't bad, but it wasn't classic Lu... I don't really know honestly. I always believed if Lupe doesn't make you take out a dictionary or google shit up then he dumbed it down, but did he really or did he talk about the same shit and use simpler words, not for more fans, but that's just what he came up with. Don't get me wrong, I love Lupe till the end and I really did love the song but I don't want Lupe to turn mainstream, like I want him to get what he deserves and that is everybody loving him but I want him to do it the right way. I love him cause he's different, cause while these other fools are talking about pussy, money, and weed, Lupe's talking bout skateboarding, and how kids follow these rappers and wanna be "hard." FNF up son. Now, to hockey. Toronto, Toronto, Toronto. The season began and we exploded. 4 wins, no losses. 6 games later. 5 win, 5 losses basically, although one of them was an overtime loss. What happened? We stopped scoring. The good news is Luke Schenn is frikin' beast! Looking like he is going to be a solid defenceman for us for years to come. Giggy and Gustavvsson are both playing well between the pipes so goaltending looks solid although Giggy looks more capable. Kessel, my man, scoring machine. That's it though, at first we were winning so it wasn't really affecting us but for real, we need people to score. Kessel and Mcarthur are our top two scorers. I think they are tied at 7 or 8 goals apiece. Other than that our main threats are not producing. Bozak, you are playing with one of the most lethal snipers in this world in Kessel, if you can't pass to him like you are supposed to, shoot man, shoot! As it is 1 A.M now, I am done for the night, I'll blog soon, don't worry, blackberries make life so much easier. <3 Peace!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm Back

Flip yo, I haven't done this in a while. This week has been hectic. Tests every day, I joined a basketball team so that makes it even worse. I just haven't found the time for it all, except now, done studying, and practice ended long time ago so yeah I'm here. I got my Lupe going, let us type! Alright first and foremost, biggest news, hands down, the release date of Lasers was finally announced. March 8th, 2011 is going to be one of the sickest days of next year. After Lasers comes out, hip hop won't be the same baby! He's going to take it all, the game, the fans, everything, LUPE! Oh, and the first single off Lasers will drop on October 26th. Cop that quick! It'll be on here as fast as I get it, and if I have time. Ha ha. Now to my favorite topic and basically big news but not some I've been anticipating for two years like I have for Lasers. Kadri didn't make the team, one, the Leafs began their season, that's two. Against all odds, the Leafs won their first game of the season. It took us 9 games to win our first game last season, good omen? I tihnk so, since we also second as well. Oh did I mention the first we beat the Canadians and the second we beat the Senators. Yes, two of our rivals were beaten by none other than the reemerging Toronto Maple Leafs! We are 2-0 now, number 1 in the Eastern Conference, and we might suck now, and lose like 15 games in a row, but I haven't said or seen that we have been number one in the Eastern Conference for a long ass time. So let me bask in our glory. So yeah, I joined a basketball team, practice every day at four. It's tiring but worth it. Wow, my I tunes is on shuffle and it just played Kick, Push by Lupe Fiasco and then right after it played Kick Push II! Yes! Oh yes, and go listen to Mac Miller - La La La. Youtube. Go.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kid Did It!

Nazem's back! I know I'm a bit late but damn, he did it. Not only did the kid score 2 goals and have a crucial assist on the game winner, he did all that against the Ottawa Senators, and every Leaf fan hates the Sens. We just got wrecked by Detroit last night, but well, it's Detroit, and we are still a young team looking to gel together, so I'll let that one go. ! more preseason game left, and the real deal starts the coming Thursday. I don't know if Kadri will be on the team, I believe he will get sent down to the Marlies and hone his skills there, but you never know. Personally, I am just glad he answered back to all the criticism with a big performance against a rival. Oh and we should definitely switch him to be a winger until he gets control over his defensive responsibilities as a center. Show him some Datsyuk videos!! Also, our first line this year looks pretty good with the speed it has in Kessel(got mad faster this off season, and most likely will put up 40+ goals), Kris Versteeg(may be able to put up 30 or more), and Tyler Bozak(speedy center with great vision who has great chemistry with Kessel. A 60+ point season will be amazing for him). Also, if Versteeg doesn't live up to his expectations or Ron Wilson wants to juggle, Kulemin showed great chemistry near the end of last year with Kessel and Bozak. Plus, if Kadri is on the team, he had that big game against Ottawa as a winger on the top line. So, you never know, anything can happen, and Wilson is a pretty good coach so he could surprise us all. The Leafs don't look that bad, I know they don't have a realistic chance to win it all this year, but I tihnk they may surprise everyone and just sneak in to the playoffs. We haven't had playoff hockey in Toronto for a while, so you can't blame me for being hopeful. Everybody says that the Leafs will just end up like last year but what most of them don't realize is that half the year, until the trade deadline, there were veterans and people on this team who weren't performing to their levels or up to their expectations(i.e. Vesa Toskala). That is when good ol' Burkie decided to inject new blood into this team and brought in Dion Phaneuf, J.S. Giguere, and God knows how, and Keith Aulie(who if he lives up to his expectations, makes the deal with Calgary a total one-sider for the Leafs)! After that, we had solid goal tending, and I don't remember the record we had but we went at it. Now with Giggy mentoring Jonas Gustavvsson all season and both of them pushing each other for the starting job as goaltender, with new additions like Kris Versteeg, and Colby Armstrong, as well as Dion Phaneuf captaining this team all year and motivating them, I think this season should be different. Also, Schenn should no longer have the spotlight focused just on him, like last year. As soon as Phaneuf and Giggy came to town, Schenn was back to his good old self because he realized that he didn't have to carry all the pressure on his shoulders(he ain't no Superman). Now, he's calm, especially since he knows he's not going to be the future captain of the biggest hockey market in the world like he was projected to be, and well I think that eases his mind a lot. Now he can just focus on playing his own game. So, now we shall see what this season has in store for us. Until next time, peace!